Group 2 Opening Sequence: Mute

Friday 4 February 2011

Breaking down our opening sequence

This is our sequence, broken down into rough ten second segments of what happens.

All is subject to change, but this will give us a rough idea of the direction we are heading in.

Mother Tongue Opening Sequence

0 - 10 sec: We see a girl sitting at a busstop, headphones in. Music is playing.

10 - 20 sec: She gets a buzz on her 'communicator': 'You dropped your purse :-)', it's from a man standing nearby. She picks up her purse, and smiles at him.

20 - 30 sec: She stays at the busstop and looks around. Groups of people are clustered together, all staring at their 'communicators' and typing frantically. The bus arrives.

30 - 40 sec: We cut to the girl arriving home. She opens her door and takes her headphones out- the house is silent.

40 - 50 sec: She moves into her house and goes into front room- her younger brother is sitting with his back to her, playing a games console, and as she enters, he pulls out his 'communicator' and begins to text while simultaneously playing - he doesn't look at her the whole time.

50 - 60 sec: She gets a text from him: 'Mum wants to talk to you'. She sighs and exits the room, to the kitchen.

60 - 70 sec: She goes into the kitchen and we see her Mum. Her Mum has an iPad, and they have a small conversation.

70 - 80 sec: Conversation continues.

80 - 90 sec: She leaves the room and heads upstairs.

90 - 100 sec: She enters her room, opens her laptop and goes onto the internet.

100 - 110 sec: Her homepage is BBC News, and she surfs momentarily, before getting another text: 'Dinner's ready.' She sighs and exits the room.

110 - 120 sec: We end with a slow zoom on the computer screen, where there is a news article about a scientist who claims that the long extinct human voices may still exist.

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