Group 2 Opening Sequence: Mute

Monday 28 February 2011

Inspiration: I Am Number Four

During half term a couple of us saw I Am Number Four at the cinema and noticed that it would be a good film to compare ours with.
It is an Action movie with Sci-Fi elements, just like ours.
The main characters are teenagers, and the protagonist has a secret and is on the run from someone who wants to hunt him down, just like Ava and her friends are on the run from the government. The protagonist meets a girl and falls in love along the way, just like Ava falls in love with Benjamin.
The extreme special effects and fast, action-packed pacing was exactly how Mute would be if we were to make the whole film.
There is also the character of Number 6 who breaks stereotypical action movie conventions by being a female action hero who saves the day. This is similar to Mute in the way that the protagonist for our action movie is a female and she is fiesty, strong and independent.

 By watching the film's trailer, you can see that the style of the film is dark and shadowy with a blue tint, which is exactly how we wanted our sequence to look.

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